Thursday, October 29, 2009

Polish Traverse

Heres a link to me doing the Polish Traverse v5
The pump I got from this go turned a couple knuckle scrapes into bleeders(see pics of my hands on the right)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PArty Time! - Rat Rock


Danny on his no-hands-mantle problem utilizing the steplike features between Rat Rocks east and north faces, Houdini v2

we started practicing traversing while hanging off the heal and should have a new line using more of the east face soon, a breakthrough at Rat Rock. (just a preview of the new problem)

Danny doing a bat-like hang, Batman v1

RAT ROCK - v5 (razor blade)

Me on the v5 dyno

chris on his first send of the v5 dyno move on Rat Rocks east face. It uses a razor blade crimp on the left hand and a tiny crimp for the right hand, start with a left foot on and fire for the rail.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009