Sunday, December 6, 2009

Polish Traverse cross-over variation

heres a vid of me doing a little variation on the polish, rat rock

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Got Pain?

This is the best site for answering questions about your climbing injuries:

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Funny ass shit!!

this ones priceless... enjoy!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A.D.D. v6 on Worthless Boulder, Central Park NYC

ME Sending A.D.D. v6 on Worthless

Chris sent it first, then me then Ben Simon. Danny's gonna crush it next time!
check out the rest of the footage: No Matterhorn Footage Yet :( Lorenzo and Matt Got really close to the last two moves taking 20+ ft falls. Big adrenaline rush just spotting on that shit!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Inwood Cave Bouldering Today

A cool overhanging problem in Indian Cave in Inwood Park NYC(207st)its probably v9 just to take out all the swing but it can go soon, mayb som1 can figure out some new beta, i dont think it has any sends Lorenzo showed it to me today so hopefully i'll get a bit stronger lol

Heres me doing the typical indian cave problem.. v easy

heres Chris doing the typical Indian Cave problem

Wheres Danny? ZZZzzz..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Polish Traverse

Heres a link to me doing the Polish Traverse v5
The pump I got from this go turned a couple knuckle scrapes into bleeders(see pics of my hands on the right)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PArty Time! - Rat Rock


Danny on his no-hands-mantle problem utilizing the steplike features between Rat Rocks east and north faces, Houdini v2

we started practicing traversing while hanging off the heal and should have a new line using more of the east face soon, a breakthrough at Rat Rock. (just a preview of the new problem)

Danny doing a bat-like hang, Batman v1

RAT ROCK - v5 (razor blade)

Me on the v5 dyno

chris on his first send of the v5 dyno move on Rat Rocks east face. It uses a razor blade crimp on the left hand and a tiny crimp for the right hand, start with a left foot on and fire for the rail.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Inwood Park Bouldering NYC


Inwood Bouldering NYC

A couple months back me and danny and pete went to Inwood Park to check out the seldom talked about Indian Caves. heres some pics from that day.. even tho it rained we just kept playing with numerous variations inside the cave, left, right, even tho we could no longer pull out the lip the cave had some amazing problems to offer

The Dawg v5 - Cat Rock

This is us working out the beta on one of yuki's problems - known as the Dawg v5, it starts like kitty litter but immediately goes out right avoiding the big ledges on the left. we'll get it next time

LOTA aka Scratching post v3

Arete off. Me Chris and Danny all jumped on this one and sent it after a few tries in gleaming sun